Reviews from Utopian Void

Review Speed of Light 16.04.14 - Posted in Utopian Void reviews

"As a whole is therefore a good CD , especially if you like it colorful and fits like singing . It's not groundbreaking wallop , but well enough to listen to it and it's no longer underground in technical terms ..."
Dávnejšie som recenzoval debutový album „Alpha draconis“. Kapela ma moc nenadchla, aj keď doska obsahovala aj parádne piesne. Rozhodne tu bol priestor a nádej na zlepšenie do budúcna. Na novinke sa čo-to zmenilo, aj hudobne. „Utopian void“ je lepší album ako jeho predchodca, ale EMERALD bol ešte lepší! Samozrejme, že tu pánom ide o iný hudobný smer, takže sa to ťažko porovnáva... Z EMERALD tu totiž máme, okrem bývalého basgitaristu, aj ich prvého speváka „Jva Julyho“! Takže vo Švajčiarksu máme EMERALD a potom „tú druhú kapelu“, DISTANT PAST, kde sú tí bývalí členovia z EMERALD... O čom je novinka DISTANT PAST? Hudobne je viac heavy ako „Alpha draconis“! Progres išiel do úzadia, pribudlo heavy metalu, občas aj nejaký ten powermetalový riff tu máme. Kapela sa stále baví pestrosťou tvorby, nehrá jeden hudobný štýl, ale lavíruje od hard rocku, cez groove, až po power metal. Je to aj celkom moderné, čo ma dosť prekvapilo. Posledná pieseň je v štýle BLACK SABBATH. Celkovo môžeme povedať, že ide o heavy metal, aj keď máme tu hard rock až power metal, ako v ktorej piesni, resp. časti piesne. Väčšinou nie je jedna pieseň celá v rovnakom štýle. CD je pestré, rôznorodé, ale celkom to funguje. Jasné, že meníme veľakrát melódie, štýly a nálady, ale nie je to úplný guláš. Prvé piesne hrajú akosi špinavo, zle, neviem prečo. Štvrtá „Faces“ hrá už ale dobre. Druhá „Sceptre“ alebo siedma „Guided by the stars“ sú inak riadny metal, škoda že DISTANT PAST nehrajú takto! Inak sa Jvo zlepšil spevácky, vie viac polôh a „divnú“ farbu má už len v niektorých hlasových polohách. Spev je inde ako na prvých dvoch doskách EMERALD! Čiže, ak vám tam nesedel, už neplatí, čo bolo, dnes spieva trochu inak. Ako celok je teda CD dobré, najmä, ak to máte radi pestré a sadne vám spev. Nie je to prevratná pecka, ale dosť dobre sa to počúva a už to nie je underground z technického hľadiska...

Maťo Kimlička
hodnotenie: 7/10

Jvo Julmy – vocals
Adriano Troiano – bass, keyboards
Christof Schafer – guitars
Alain Curty – guitars
Jan Zwiebel – drums

Somewhat translated:

Ago I reviewed the debut album " Alpha Draconis " . The band has much disappointment , although the board also included a terrific song . Definitely there was room for improvement and hope for the future . On news - what 's changed , and musically . " Utopian void " is a better album than its predecessor , but EMERALD was even better ! Of course, the boss is a different musical direction , making it difficult to compare ... OF EMERALD here that we have , with former bassist , singer and their first " Jva of July !" So in Švajčiarksu we EMERALD and then " the other band " DISTANT PAST , where are the former members of the Emerald ... What 's new DISTANT PAST ? Musically it is more heavy than " Alpha Draconis " ! Progress went into the background , were added heavy metal , sometimes the odd riff powermetalový we have here. The band are still enjoying diversity of creation , does not play one style of music , but lavíruje from hard rock through the groove, to power metal . It's also quite modern , which makes me quite surprised . The last song in the style of BLACK SABBATH . Overall, we can say that it is a heavy metal , even though we have a hard rock to power metal , as in the song which respectively . Part of the song. Usually not one song all in the same style . CD is a colorful, diverse , but it kind of works . Clearly, we are changing often tunes , styles and moods , but it's not quite stew. The first song played somewhat dirty , badly , I do not know why . The fourth " Faces " but it plays well . The second " Sceptre " or seventh " Guided by the stars" are otherwise ordinary metal pity that DISTANT PAST do not play like that! Otherwise, JVO improved singing , knows more positions and " strange " color is the only voice in some positions . Singing is other than the first two plates EMERALD ! So if you do not sit there , is no longer valid , which was now singing a little differently . As a whole is therefore a good CD , especially if you like it colorful and fits like singing . It's not groundbreaking wallop , but well enough to listen to it and it's no longer underground in technical terms ...

Maťo Kimlička
Rating : 7/10

JVO Julmy - vocals
Adriano Troiano - bass , keyboards
Christof Schafer - guitars
Alain Curty - guitars
John Zwiebel - drums

www.distant -

Maťo Kimlička
Bewertung: 7/10